What we’ve been up to lately…

Wow! So many things have happened since our last conversation!

1. This girl WAS sleeping through the night, but NOT ANYMORE! Ugh.

2. I don’t want to jinx anything, but we almost have a house! Just waiting for closing! Eek!!!!!!! By the way… That ever so occurring word”pending,” actually feels pretty awesome when you are the reason behind it!
3. Made another piñata, but I’m not too happy with it. It’s supposed to be a surfboard.. But it looks more like a tombstone! Ha.


4. My last week of professional development and we finally get to start decorating our classrooms! Can’t wait to show you guys! Here are some ideas!



I don’t know.. It might be weird making my room camping thing.. But I just can’t help myself!
5. I love my husband! (Especially his chubby cheeks as a kid!)


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